sâmbătă, 13 noiembrie 2010


‎"Când Dumnezeu pune o lacrimă în ochii tăi, înseamnă că doreşte să pună un curcubeu în inima ta..." ♥♥


Ştiu, Te vei întoarce la mine, orice ar fii !! Dragostea Ta e o minune pentru viaţa mea !! Mi- Ai legat inima de cer pentru totdeauna... ♥♥♥♥


joi, 11 noiembrie 2010

marți, 9 noiembrie 2010

Psalmul 23.

"Domnul este Păstorul meu... şi asta îmi ajunge !!"

About love.

"And love is a river it flows down to the people. Then goes up to the clouds to rain again. And love is a danger it can make you let your guard down. But if you are never broken you will never be made whole..."

vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010


"Love woke me up this morning with a memory. Love came and whispered a story that awakened a dream. Imagine a beautiful castle. And a Beautiful King. He left the comfort of His throne to fight for victory. I am a dreamer. Take me higher. Open the sky up. Start a fire. I believe, even if it's just a dream..." [ a dream which I am sure will become reality !!]

joi, 4 noiembrie 2010

Beautiful to Him.

‎"Look inside my heart, and be amazed. You make me beautiful. You make me stand in awe. You step inside my heart, and I am amazed. I love to hear You say who I am is enough. You make me worthy of love and beautiful..."

miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2010

In the end...

‎"But up from these ashes a beauty will rise. The pride of her Father, though humble in size. Perfect love, fill my soul with melody, perfect words of perfect peace... I will breathe, I will sing !!"

marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

Loved and free...

"There are true things inside of me I have been afraid to see... I believe, help my unbelief !! Would You say again what You said to me ?? I am loved and I am free... I believe, help my unbelief !! To Your love I’m waking up. In Your love I’m waking up..."


"If I could not say a word, my life would speak of love I don’t deserve... Hope means holding on to You. Grace means You’re holding me too..." ♥♥